Price for Mercedes Benz C250

Mercedes Benz C250 Vehicles have experienced a considerable decrease in their selling price recently. This model has gone through a strong reduction in its selling price.

KSh 2,252,888.83
Average price Last 6 months
Price for Mercedes Benz C250

The selling price for Mercedes Benz C250 cars has had a strong depreciation during the last 6 months we have studied. The average price for August is KSh 3,498,333. During September there was a slight reduction in the selling prices dropping till KSh 2,997,500. The following two months the selling price went through a strong reduction of -53 % compared to the previous two months studied. In the last two months, the price has gone through a strong devaluation of -17 % compared to the 4 previous average values going down from KSh 2,392,083.25 to KSh 1,974,500.

Charts data
Average price January
Number of Mercedes Benz C250 ads used
KSh 2,399,000
** Graph's data with null or zero value are due to there isn't enough data available to get a reliable value